Tuesday, May 16, 2023

2023 Annual Meeting

 Just a quick reminder from the newsletter --

Annual Meeting

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Coffee & Treats at 8:00 AM

Meeting Time 9:00 AM -- 11:30 AM

Winchester Town Hall

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Ted Rulseh Talk

 On the latest Birch Lake newsletter there was a article about Ripple Effects by Ted Rulseh. If you'd like to hear him talk, he'll be at the Winchester Library on July 6 from 4 to 5 pm.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Lights Out Events


Northwoods LIGHTS OUT!

June 17-18          Firefly Watch!
August 12-13      Milky Way & Perseid Meteor Watch!
by Quita Sheehan, mashee@vilascountywi.gov 

Looking for another way to enjoy the wonders of the Northwoods? Exploring the night skies, watching fireflies and stargazing are but a few ways to appreciate the darkness. Oneida and Vilas County Land & Water Conservation Departments are promoting two summer weekends to enjoy the night. We encourage you to turn off your lights for a few hours, go outside, and look up and around you! Listening in the darkness can also lead to exciting discoveries! Make this an event for your lake group or educational organization; help us spread the word through your organization communications and newsletters!